Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

Day One    Day Two     Day Three     Day Four     Day Five     Day Six     Day Seven

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Namo Tassa...
Reverence to him...


Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha



Recollection of the Buddha


Iti pi so Bhagavà Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
Such is he, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjàcaraõasampanno Sugato lokavidå,
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One,

the one who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasàrathã,
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,

Satthà devamanussànaü Buddho Bhagavà ti.
the teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Auspicious One.



Buddhaü jãvitaü yàva Nibbànaü saraõaü gacchàmi.
I go for life-long refuge to the Buddha right up until Nibbàna.

            Ye ca Buddhà atãtà ca, Þ ye ca Buddhà anàgatà,
Those who were Buddhas in the past, Þ those who will be Buddhas in the future,

            paccuppannà ca ye Buddhà, Þ ahaü vandàmi sabbadà!
and those who are Buddhas in the present, Þ I worship them everyday!

            N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Buddho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Buddha is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

            Uttamaïgena vande 'haü Þ pàdapaüsu varuttamaü,
With my head I worship Þ the most excellent dust of his feet,

            Buddhe yo khalito doso Þ Buddho khamatu taü mamaü!
for any fault or wrong against the Buddha Þ may the Buddha forgive me for that!



Recollection of the Dhamma


Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo,
The Dhamma has been explained well by the Auspicious One,

sandiññhiko, akàliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaü veditabbo vi¤¤åhã ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.



Dhammaü jãvitaü yàva Nibbànaü saraõaü gacchàmi.
I go for life-long refuge to the Dhamma right up until Nibbàna.

            Ye ca Dhammà atãtà ca, Þ ye ca Dhammà anàgatà,
That which was Dhamma in the past, Þ that which will be Dhamma in the future,

            paccuppannà ca ye Dhammà, Þ ahaü vandàmi sabbadà!
and that which is Dhamma in the present, Þ I worship it everyday!

            N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Dhammo me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Dhamma is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

            Uttamaïgena vande 'haü Þ Dhammaü ca tividhaü varaü,
With my head I worship Þ the excellent threefold Dhamma,

            Dhamme yo khalito doso Þ Dhammo khamatu taü mamaü!
for any fault or wrong against the Dhamma Þ may the Dhamma forgive me for that! 


Recollection of the Sangha


Supañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
The Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are straight in their practice,

¤àyapañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are right in their practice,

sàmãcipañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yadidaü cattàri purisayugàni aññha purisapuggalà,
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
this is the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples,

àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a¤jalikaraõãyo,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttaraü pu¤¤akkhettaü lokassà ti.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.



Saïghaü jãvitaü yàva Nibbànaü saraõaü gacchàmi.
I go for life-long refuge to the Sangha right up until Nibbàna.

            Ye ca Saïghà atãtà ca, Þ ye ca Saïghà anàgatà,
Those who were the Sangha in the past, Þ those who will be the Sangha in the future,

            paccuppannà ca ye Saïghà, Þ ahaü vandàmi sabbadà!
and those who are the Sangha in the present, Þ I worship them everyday!

            N' atthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, Þ Saïgho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, Þ for me the Sangha is the best refuge!

            Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

            Uttamaïgena vande 'haü Þ Saïghaü ca tividhottamaü,
With my head I worship Þ the Sangha who are supreme in three ways,

            Saïghe yo khalito doso Þ Saïgho khamatu taü mamaü!
for any fault or wrong against the Sangha Þ may the Sangha forgive me for that!



            Buddhadhammà ca Paccekabuddhà Saïghà ca sàmikà -
The Buddhas, Dhamma, Individual Buddhas, and the reverend Sangha -

            dàso 'ham-asmi me tesaü, Þ gunaü ñhàtu sire sadà!
I am their servant, Þ may that good quality always be kept in mind!

            Tisaraõaü tilakkhaõåpekkhaü Nibbànam-antimaü,
The three refuges, equanimity about the three signs, and final Nibbàna,

            suvande sirasà niccaü Þ labhàmi tividhà-m-ahaü.
I always worship these with my head Þ and I receive threefold (return).

            Tisaraõaü ca sire ñhàtu, Þ sire ñhàtu tilakkhaõaü,
May the three refuges kept in mind, Þ may the three signs kept in mind,

            upekkhà ca sire ñhàtu, Þ Nibbànaü ñhàtu me sire!
may equanimity kept in mind, Þ and may Nibbàna kept in mind by me!

            Buddhe sakaruõe vande, Þ Dhamme Paccekasambuddhe,
I worship the compassionate Buddhas, Þ the Dhamma, the Individual Sambuddhas,

            Saïghe ca sirisà yeva, Þ tidhà niccaü namàmyahaü.
and the Sangha with my head, Þ I constantly bow down three times.

            Namàmi Satthuno vàdà Þ appamàdavac'-antimaü,
I bow down to the words of the Teacher, Þ and the last words on heedfulness,

            sabbe pi cetiye vande, Þ upajjh'-àcariye mamaü -
and also to all the shrines, Þ to my preceptor and teacher -

            mayhaü paõàmatejena Þ cittaü pàpehi mu¤catan-ti!
by the power of this obeisance may my mind be free from evil!



            Vandàmi cetiyaü sabbaü Þ sabbaññhànesu patiññhitaü,
I worship all the shrines Þ in all of the places that they stand,

            sàrãrikadhàtu Mahà Bodhiü, Þ Buddharåpaü sakalaü sadà!
the bodily relics, the Great Bodhi Tree, Þ and all the Buddha images forever!


             In this way I can revere the Three Treasures

                        namassamàno Ratanattayaü yaü,
            without end, and while revering them,

                        pu¤¤àbhisandhaü vipulaü alatthaü,
            I have received an abundant overflow of merit,

                        tassànubhàvena hat' antaràyo!
            by that power may (any) obstacle be destroyed!




Material Offerings


            Ghanasàrappadittena Þ dãpena tamadhaüsinà,
With a lamp that burns intensely, destroying the darkness,

            tilokadãpaü Sambuddhaü Þ påjayàmi tamonudaü.
I worship the Sambuddha, the light of the three worlds, the darkness-dispeller.


            Sugandhikàyavadanaü, Þ anantaguõagandhinaü,
With this fragrance and perfume I wordhip the Realised One,

            Sugandhinàhaü gandhena Þ påjayàmi Tathàgataü.
who is fragrant in body and speech, and has fragrant endless virtues.

            Sugandhaü sãtalaü kappaü, Þ pasannamadhuraü subhaü,
Please accept this fragrant, cool, clear, sweet, and attractive drink

            pànãyam-etaü Bhagavà, Þ patiggaõhàtu-m-uttama!
that has been prepared, Þ O Auspicious One supreme!


            Bhesajjehi samàyuttaü Þ gilànapaccayaü imaü,
Please accept this medicine together with this herbal drink,

            anukampaü upàdàya, Þ patiggaõhàtu-m-uttama!
having compassion on us, Þ O Auspicious One supreme!


            Nàgavallã dalåpetaü, Þ cunna påga samàyutaü,
Please accept these betel leaves, lime, and powdered nuts,

            tambålaü pañiggaõhàtu, Þ sataü påjemi 'daü Jino.
together with other herbs, Þ with which I mindfully worship the Victor.


            Vaõõagandhaguõopetaü, Þ etaü kusumasantatiü,
With these long lasting flowers, endowed with the qualities of beauty

            påjayàmi Munindassa Þ siripàdasaroruhe.
and fragrance, I worship the glorious lotus feet of the lord of Sages.


                        Påjemi Buddhaü kusamena 'nena,
            I worship the Awakened One with these flowers,

                        pu¤¤ena-m-etena labhàmi mokkhaü.
            may I gain release with (the help of) this merit.

                        Pupphaü milàyàti yathà idaü me,
             Just as a flower withers and fades away,

                        kàyo tathà yàti vinàsabhàvaü.
            so too this my body will go to destruction.



Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

Day One    Day Two     Day Three     Day Four     Day Five     Day Six     Day Seven

Conclusion    Home Page    Buddhapåjà


Safeguard Recitals


The Invitation to the Gods
(Chanted by one monk)


Samantà cakkavàlesu - atrà gacchantu devatà
May the gods from every corner of the universe assemble here

Saddhammaü Muniràjassa - suõantu saggamokkha-'daü:
and listen to the Sage-king's True Dhamma about heaven and release:

Parittassavanakàlo ayaü bhadantà!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

 Parittassavanakàlo ayaü bhadantà!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Dhammaparittassavanakàlo ayaü bhadantà!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!



Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha

 Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, The Auspicious One, The Worthy One, The Perfect Sambuddha



Recollection of the Buddha


Iti pi so Bhagavà Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
Such is he, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjàcaraõasampanno Sugato lokavidå,
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One, the one who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasàrathã,
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,

Satthà devamanussànaü Buddho Bhagavà ti.
the teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Auspicious One.


Recollection of the Dhamma


Svàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo,
The Dhamma has been explained well by the Auspicious One,

sandiññhiko, akàliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaü veditabbo vi¤¤åhã ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.


Recollection of the Sangha


Supañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
The Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are straight in their practice,

¤àyapañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are right in their practice,

sàmãcipañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yadidaü cattàri purisayugàni aññha purisapuggalà,
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
this is the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples,

àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a¤jalikaraõãyo,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttaraü pu¤¤akkhettaü lokassà ti.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.


The Reflections


i. Mayà apaccavekkhitvà ajja yaü cãvaraü paribhuttaü taü,
That robe which was used by me today without having reflected on it,

yàvad-eva sãtassa pañighàtàya, uõhassa pañighàtàya,
is meant only to ward off the cold, to ward off the heat,

óaüsamakasavàtàtapasiriüsapasamphassànaü pañighàtàya,
to ward off contact with gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, the heat (of the sun), and serpents,

yàvad-eva hirikopãnapaticchàdan'-atthaü.
only as a cover for the shameful parts.

Yathà paccayaü pavattamànaü dhàtumattam-ev' etaü, yad-idaü:
These are merely elements that continue because of (certain) conditions, that is to say:

cãvaraü tad-upabhu¤jako ca puggalo,
this robe, and the person who enjoys the use of it,

dhàtumattako, nissatto, nijjãvo, su¤¤o.
merely elements, unsubstantial, soulless, empty.

Sabbàni pana imàni cãvaràni ajigucchaõãyàni
None of these robes should be disgusting but

imaü påtikàyaü patvà ativiya jigucchaõãyàni jàyanti.
after touching this filthy body they become exceedingly disgusting.


ii. Mayà apaccavekkhitvà ajja yo piõóapàto paribhutto so,
That almsfood which was used by me today without having reflected on it,

n' eva davàya, na madàya, na maõóanàya, na vibhåsanàya,
is meant not for sport, or for showing off, not for ornament, or for adornment,

yàvad-eva imassa kàyassa ñhitiyà yàpanàya,
but only to maintain this body, and to carry on,

vihiüsåparatiyà brahmacariyànuggahàya,
to inhibit annoyance, and to assist in the spiritual life,

iti påràõa¤-ca vedanaü pañihaïkhàmi,
and so I will get rid of any old feeling,

nava¤-ca vedanaü na uppàdessàmi,
and not produce any new feeling,

yàtrà ca me bhavissati, anavajjatà ca phàsuvihàro cà ti.
and I will carry on, being blameless, and living comfortably.

Yathà paccayaü pavattamànaü dhàtumattam-ev' etaü, yad-idaü:
These are merely elements that continue because of (certain) conditions, that is to say:

piõóapàto tad-upabhu¤jako ca puggalo,
this almsfood, and the person who enjoys the use of it,

dhàtumattako, nissatto, nijjãvo, su¤¤o.
merely elements, unsubstantial, soulless, empty.

Sabbo panàyaü piõóapàto ajigucchaõãyo
None of this almsfood should be disgusting but

imaü påtikàyaü patvà ativiya jigucchaõãyo jàyati.
after touching this filthy body it becomes exceedingly disgusting.


iii. Mayà apaccavekkhitvà ajja yaü senàsanaü paribhuttaü taü,
That dwelling which was used by me today without having reflected on it,

yàvad-eva sãtassa pañighàtàya, uõhassa pañighàtàya,
is meant only to ward off the cold, to ward off the heat,

óaüsamakasavàtàtapasiriüsapasamphassànaü pañighàtàya,
to ward off contact with gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, the heat (of the sun), and serpents,

yàvad-eva utuparissayavinodanaü pañisallàn'-àràm'-atthaü.
only to dispel the trouble of the (varying) seasons, and so as to delight in seclusion.

Yathà paccayaü pavattamànaü dhàtumattam-ev' etaü, yad-idaü:
These are merely elements that continue because of (certain) conditions, that is to say:

senàsanaü tad-upabhu¤jako ca puggalo,
this dwelling, and the person who enjoys the use of it,

dhàtumattako, nissatto, nijjãvo, su¤¤o.
merely elements, unsubstantial, soulless, empty.

Sabbàni pana imàni senàsanàni ajigucchaõãyàni
None of these dwelling places should be disgusting but

imaü påtikàyaü patvà ativiya jigucchaõãyàni jàyanti.
after touching this filthy body they become exceedingly disgusting.


iv. Mayà apaccavekkhitvà ajja yo
That requisite of medicine for support when sick

gilànapaccayabhesajjaparikkhàro paribhutto so,
which was used by me today without having reflected on it,

yàvad-eva uppannànaü veyyàbàdhikànaü vedanànaü pañighàtàya
is meant only to ward off oppressive feelings that have arisen

abyàpajjhaparamatàyà ti.
and at least be free from oppression.

Yathà paccayaü pavattamànaü dhàtumattam-ev' etaü, yad-idaü:
These are merely elements that continue because of (certain) conditions, that is to say:

gilànapaccayabhesajjaparikkhàro tad-upabhu¤jako ca puggalo,
this requisite of medicine for support when sick and the person who enjoys the use of it,

dhàtumattako, nissatto, nijjãvo, su¤¤o.
merely elements, unsubstantial, soulless, empty.

Sabbo panàyaü gilànapaccayabhesajjaparikkhàro ajigucchaõãyo
None of this requisite of medicine for support when sick should be disgusting but

imaü påtikàyaü patvà ativiya jigucchaõãyo jàyati.
after touching this filthy body it becomes exceedingly disgusting.


Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

Day One    Day Two     Day Three     Day Four     Day Five     Day Six     Day Seven

Conclusion    Home Page    Buddhapåjà